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David Kennedy was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia.  His passion for tennis started at the age of three when he picked up his first racquet and began playing with his father as an outdoor activity.  He progressed well during his grammar school years.  He was nominated as team Captain of the school teams he played for as well as the local private tennis club that he was a member of.  He went on to play many junior, senior and pennant competitions in the Melbourne area.  Upon graduation from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology he travelled extensively through Europe and Asia never loosing his desire to play tennis.  In 2001, David Kennedy started coaching in Tokyo Japan, having previously resided in a number of countries. 

It was in 2003 that he prepared for his U.S. Professional Tennis Association certification exam.  Once he received his new title as USPTA coach his accomplishments have continued nonstop for the past decade.  He has conducted numerous clinics and lessons in Japan and America.  Mentoring his students is always his first priority.  Instilling pride, leadership, motivation and enjoyment of the game.  David, now a veteran coach that has successfully coached more than 1000 students within the international community.

Tennis locales taught in Japan and abroad.

  • British Embassy Tokyo Japan
  • American Embassy Compound Tokyo Japan
  • Australian Embassy Tokyo Japan
  • ISSH  International School of the Sacred Heart.
  • Showa Joshidai
  • ASIJ  American School in Japan
  • BST  British School in Tokyo
  • TAC  Tokyo America Club
  • Nishi Machi International School
  • Saint Marys International School
  • Tempe Arizona
  • Strathmore Tennis Club Australia
  • Westmeadows Tennis Club Australia
  • Yamanashi Japan

私、デーヴィッド・ケネディ(David Kennedy)はオーストラリアのメルボルン出身です。3歳の時に初めてラケットを手に取り、父とテニスをプレイした時から、私のテニス歴は始まりました。そして、小学校時代を通して、その実力を伸ばし、学校のテニスチーム、および地元のテニスクラブのキャプテンに選ばれました。その後、メルボルン地区のジュニア、シニア、ペナントの大会の数多くに出場しました。ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学を卒業後、ヨーロッパとアジアの国々を巡りながら、テニスへの情熱を高めていき、2001年から東京でコーチを始めました。2003年から、米国プロテニス協会の認定試験に向けて準備を始めました。資格取得以来10年間、数えきれないほどのレッスンとテニスクリニックを日本とアメリカにおいて行ってきました。達成感、リーダーシップ、モチベーション、そしてテニスの楽しさをプレイヤーに伝えることを最優先にしています。国内外の1000人以上のプレイヤーに指導を行い、今ではベテランのコーチとして活躍しています。